Pilota cu umplutura naturala sau sintetica?

Desi multe persoane isi pun aceasta intrebare si spun ca o sa tina cont de materialul cu care este umpluta pilota pe care doresc sa o achizitioneze, in final putini oameni tin cont de acest aspect atunci cand achizitioneaza o pilota. In principal acest lucru se datoreaza pretului pilotei,...

Romwe Jeans Review

Today I just get my new jeans from Romwe.They are nice,soft and elegant.I can take them with a short top,a shirt or a t-shirt.Also I dont worry more about the imperfect body,because they hide perfect the abdomen,that is not to much worked-out. Also I love them because they hide...

Cndirect review

Hey, Today i had a nice surprise from cndirect…My wishlist is here..I just got a lot of nice things ,with a great quality. First i will show you my smartwatch U8 from cndirect…It works perfect,have a nice texture and a great colour.   Is perfect for a busy day...

Top 10 cele mai frumoase filme turcesti

10. En mutlu oldugum yer- Cel mai fericit loc (2010) Povestea cuprinde 2 tineri: o chelnerita si un actor de reclame. Acestia se intalnesc la o petrecere si se indragostesc insa anturajul baiatului nu era unul exemplar astfel cei doi se trezesc cu mafia turceasca pe urmele lor si...

Purificatoare apa pentru o viata sanatoasa

            O viata mai buna Salut! Bine ati venit pe acest blog. Aici incerc sa va aduc noutati ce pot sa va imbunatateasca viata, noutati ce pot contribui si la mentinerea sanatatii  noastre. Stim cu totii, ca un rol important pentru sanatatea noastra il are apa, cea pe care...

Cine sunt eu ? – ben kimim?

”Sunt un graunte de praf,aruncat de vant si purtat de nori.Impreuna cu stropii de ploaie cad pe taramuri necunoscute.Prizoniera destinului…Sunt un  graunte de praf gata de orice,de a infrunta lumea si de a iubii pamantul….de a cutreiera si a cunoaste.Am ingenuncheat in fata destinului si m-am pierdut in nestirea...

Tbdress Best Sales Wedding Dresses 2016

These days i was looking for a wedding dress and i found it on the site tbdress.com .Every girl want a day when she found the love and care,that moment when you have the right man beside and the whole world in front of you.And because my wedding day is not...

Calatorind in timp cu branza si vin

Acum ceva timp ,am fost impreuna cu grupul bloggeri-lor la o degustare de vinuri si branzeturi,mai exact vinurile de Samburesti intr-o combinatie perfecta cu branzeturile fine ale celor de la Delaco toate acestea oferite de cei de la Casa Ghincea Astfel, involuntar, am calatorit prin timp si am descoperit...

Shein.com – Girls wonderland

Today is a beautiful day.The spring is almost here so I have took some time to look for a spring work day outfit.So i have found the site shine.com .For first I have found a nice Grey Crew Neck Asymmetric Dress that is perfect for one day at office.It has...

Romwe wishlist

Today I was searching again the site romwe.com i found these wonderfull High Waist Buttons Slim Pant.I just love how they come of the legs.They look soft and cool.Also they have a good quality.   I was surprised of how good they fix of the legs and how slim they...