Zaful lingerie

lingerie plus

plus after lingerie

The summer is here and even it is to end the warm days are still here so is never to late for a great escape at the sea. So after I had a lot of great parties with my friends I was thinking to spend some time with my family before I go to college. As soon I as was home, I checked my founds and I had enought for a week together at the see so it was perfect, and as soon as my parents were home I’ve told the to get prepared for the adveture. Everything was fine only my mother was sad because she couldn’t find a swim lingerie plus, because once with getting old her body became to change and to have a little more kilos as normal.

Plus Size Padded Stripe Flounce Bikini Bathing Suit

So as I didn’t wanted her to have bad memories from this vacation I decided to look after some Plus size Bikini and so I’ve found to site . It si an amazing site where you can find beatiful clothes in various colours and sizes. So I sayed to my mother that was at first a little sceptical about it, and we’ve start choosing some bikini. First she choose  a nice Combinaison De Bain à Volants, a bikini set that was looking fabulous, it make my mind fly to the spanish clothes or greekish ones. Either so it can make my mother hope again to her young-time at the sea.

After that we decided to buy an extra-one  bikini for change and for the next summers. So we started again to look at all the products with extra sizes and we also looked for some lingerie that can make my mother more confident of her beauty. So after a long search we found the second bikini  which were a beautiful one with a nice texture. It was the Plus Size Padded Stripe Flounce Bikini Bathing Suit – Orangepink that was perfect for my mother.

Combinaison de bain à volants

After that we had choosed a lengerie and we’ve had only to wait for our products to come, that we could our vacation start. So in some weeks my mother lengerie was here. She was very happy of the new outfit and we’ve had a great family vacation. Now my mother is more confident in herself and I can say that this was the best choice I’ve ever made

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