Haine de la CNDirect-CNDirect Collaboration
Astazi tocmai ce imi cautam un smartwatch cu un pret disponibil buzunarului meu.Astfel am gasit site-ul cndirect.com.Cautand printre numeroasele produse fascinante am gasit ceasul mult dorit.Acesta nu numai ca este la un pret accesibil (10.45 $) ci este disponibil si pe variate culori precum alb,negru si culoarea mea preferata: rosu (culoarea pasiunii,foarte adecvata mie).De asemenea acesta este compatibil pentru telefoane precum :iphone ,samsung si samsung note 2/3.Consider ca un smartwatch imi poate fi de folos,avand un iubit care este la aproximativ 1550 de km distanta si care doreste un cotact apropiat ,pot raspunde mult mai usor la apeluri,sms ,etc atunci cand sunt la sala sau cand fac curatenie.
Pentru acesta am achizitionat si o pereche de gasti care s-ar potrivi de minune atat la smartwatch cat si la telefonul meu.
Today I was just looking for a cheap smartwatch that i can allow.So i have found the site: cndirect.com .Looking around i have found a lot of fascinating products and also the watch that i wanted so much.It is not only at an avaible price (10.45$) but is also avainble in various colours as white,black and my favourite colour :red.Also it is perfect for phones like:iphones,samsung and samsung note 2/3 .
I think that a smartwatch is very usefull to me because my boyfriend live at 1550 km distance from me,so we need always to keep in touch and i can now to answer to calls or sms when I am to training or when I am cleaning.
I also take a pair of earphones that are perfect for the smartwatch and for my phone.
De asemenea am gasit si o sapca stil rapper cu motive inflorate de care m-am indragostit la prima vedere.Fiind din fire o persoana mai libertina ,iubesc sepcile hip-hop,iar cele care sunt viu colorate si au modele cu flori mi se par foarte cool,fiind in trend.De asemenea si acestea au diferite modele si culori precum:negru,verde,alb si gri.Eu am ales-o pe cea verde si va las pe dumneavostra sa trageti cu ochiul pe acest minunat site si sa va alegeti produsele potrivite.
Also i had found a hip-hop floral hat that i fall in love with.Because i am a libertine girl ,i love the hip-hop hats,and mostly the one that are bright-coloured and have the flower model because i think that are very cool and trendy.There are also different colours like:black,green,white and gray.I have choosing the green one and I invite you to take a look of this beautiful site and to choose the one right for you.